The Roles of the Divorce Lawyer.

Most married people would love to spend their lives together. However, marriages do not always work, and sometimes divorce is the best option for both parties. If you are contemplating on getting a divorce, your first course of action should be to get a divorce lawyer. The main work of the divorce lawyer is to guide you and represent your interests in court to ensure that you get a fair ruling. Read More 

Dividing Assets After a Divorce: Does Each Party Always Receive Fifty Percent?

When assets are being divided as part of divorce proceedings, you might expect that the division will be fairly equal (unless a prenuptial agreement is in effect). The division of certain material assets can be a matter of compromise, which your legal representative (usually family lawyers in the case of a divorce) can negotiate. For example, you might give up your claim for ownership of a certain item in exchange for the entire ownership of another possession of a comparable value. Read More 

How to Focus on Child Support When a Relationship Collapses

When a relationship between two loving parents begins to break down, the rift may not be readily apparent. Circumstances will change as the weeks and months go by, however, and it may soon become apparent that the differences are terminal. In this case, both individuals may start to worry about the children, especially as they are at an impressionable age. They may understand that separation is imminent, but how will this affect the kids? Read More 

Why Married Same-Sex Couples May Want to Recheck Their Will

In recent times, Australia has followed most of the modernised world and has recognised the legality of same-sex marriages. Until this time, relationships may have been recognised in certain jurisdictions, but many of the protections afforded to heterosexual couples were simply not available. Of course, this news was celebrated by many same-sex couples who may have been together for some time but wanted to sanctify their marriage, and there was a rush to do so soon after the law was passed. Read More 

When You Can Leave the Marital Home During a Divorce

It is normally advisable for you to remain in the marital home until your divorce has been finalised. However, some circumstances may warrant the need to move from the marital home even if the divorce hasn't been concluded as yet. This article discusses some of those circumstances. New Employment It may be necessary for you to leave the marital home while your divorce is being processed in case you have got a new job which is far from where you stay. Read More